Dirty Dryer Vents May Become A Fire Hazard

Over time your dryer vent can start to fill up and overheat which can cause a fire! A clogged dryer vent can make a dryer run hotter than it’s supposed and this can certainly increase a chance of a fire. Here is a test you can do. Take some lint from your filter and bring it outside. Touch a match to it and see how fast it burns! As a matter of fact – many outdoors men use this lint to start campfires due to the flammability of dryer lint!

If the dryer vent is clogged up with lint, your clothes can take longer to dry. You would be surprised how much energy you can waste in a year. If your dryer isn’t completely drying your clothes in one cycle it may be the dryer but in most cases the vents may be just clogged.

It’s a good idea to clean your vents at least once a year, however it mostly depends on several factors. First is how often you’re using the dryer. Second is the length of the dryer vent hose. Third is the direction of the  vent. It may go out to your roof, your wall or may go downward. Direction and distance the lint has to travel to exit, usually correlates with how often the vents need to be cleaned.

Dryer Vent Cleaning and Maintenance